SocialEx Aplicaciones Apps

RadSat HD Pro 4.0.17
Weather radars with satellite and lightning on an interactive map.
Horóscopo Diario Gratis 1.0.2
Tu horóscopo diario te informa automáticamentelas últimas novedades de los astros para tu signo. Comenzá tu díatodas las mañanas conociendo tu suerte de antemano.También podrás conocer las características de cada signo,incluyendo su elemento asociado, el color, astro, número, metal yrasgo principal de la personalidad. También conocerás lascaracterísticas en relación al aspecto laboral, sentimental, lasalud y estilo de vida.Conocé las mas importantes personalidades del mundo asociadas acada signo.Ante cualquier inconveniente con nuestra app, contactanos [email protected] daily horoscopeautomatically informs you the latest news from the stars for yoursign. Get started your day every morning knowing your luck inadvance.You can also know the characteristics of each sign, including itsassociated element, color, star, number, metal and main personalitytrait. You'll also meet the characteristics in relation to theworkplace, emotional, health and lifestyle.Meet the most important personalities associated with eachsign.For any problem with our app, please contact us [email protected].
RadSat HD 1.0.13
RadSat HD is a weather app that allows the integration of aweatherradar mosaic with GOES-16 satellite imagery, lightning,forecastsmaps and other products. You can view current or futureweatherradar imagery from the United States, Europe, Australia,Argentina,Brazil and other countries. In addition, satelliteimagery, globallightning (requires subscription) and GFS productscan be added.With a forecast, we can know the probability of rainorthunderstorms for a given day or hour, but with a weather radarorsatellite, we can know the exact moment that will rain in eachareaand what risks can be expected (heavy lightning, hail,tornadoes,flash flooding). When lightning occurs near your device'slocation,the app will notify you to seek shelter. For moreinformation or tosuggest improvements, visit website or ourFacebook page:/extendedforecast.
Radiosoundings 1.0.9
Radiosoundings in NOAA format for all stations in the world 4.1.9
The best weather information for Argentina and the region.